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About the Book

Think Round shows that the key to propelling a business to its full potential and highest heights is not balance sheet engineering, acquisition acumen, organic reinvention, adroit board management or stunning quarterly earnings results. Mastery of those mechanics is the cost of entry not the accelerator to success.

The key to winning really big, and staying at the top of the business game, is empathy: the capacity to recognize and respond to emotions and aspirations experienced by your customers and consumers. The challenge for CEOs is how to scale empathy to the enterprise level so it can be a sustainable advantage in creating long-term value. Think Round is the guide to just that: a proven approach to owning the future by having 100% of your company focused on your consumer 100% of the time.


Peppered with invaluable real-world anecdotes and examples culled from the impressive careers of Martha Pease and Michael Campbell, who have helped companies like Apple, IBM, FedEx, Pepsi, Pizza Hut, Visa, Domino’s, Neutrogena and Unilever etch their names in the halls of business greats, Think Round is your guide to a better, brighter, executable and, ultimately, revelatory way of life for your organization.


Praise For Think Round

Think Round will challenge you to question if you are maximizing the value of your company by ensuring all departments are contributing their part to building and marketing your products and services. Think Round is a smart read for a CEO, for a Chief Personnel Officer driving cultural change, and for an entrepreneur scaling a business.”

Dawn Hudson

Former CEO of Pepsi -Cola North America


As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.', Lincoln famously said. Nothing could be more true today, especially for companies trying to master relentless change. Think Round is full of ancient wisdom freshly applied to the leadership challenges of today.”

David Gergen

Professor at Harvard Kennedy School; advisor to four US presidents; CNN senior political analyst


Having worked with these guys and seen the results, they're on to something powerful! Glad they're making their stuff available!”

David Bell

Chairman, Gyro; former CEO, IPG; member Advertising Hall of Fame


Everyone likes to pay lip service to the idea that they focus on their consumers, but the reality is a little different. In a world filled every day with another hot new tactic for bombarding them it’s so easy to overlook what your customers are telling you; the key to connecting is understanding them in a real and deeper way. Think Round not only shatters the perception that business leaders know better than their consumers, it shines a light on the transformative power of consumer demand—and how you can harness that demand to help make your company more valuable - and responsive - over the long haul.”

Ken Calwell

CEO, Papa Murphy’s


Think Round=Mind, Blown. Common sense has never sounded so profound! Reading this book has left me re-energized, re-focused, and ready to tackle the challenges ahead.”

Kim Kelleher

Publisher, Wired Magazine


Think Round” turns the tendency in business to treat the symptoms of problems rather than the underlying problem itself on its side, by refocusing the reader on the most critical part of the equation – the consumer. Their logical approach of Consumer Accountability helps all corners of an enterprise boost brand and market value. Martha and Michael give clear examples of strategies leaders can apply every day to boost customer and consumer demand. This book is easy to digest, straightforward to apply, invaluable in its result."

Eric Bauer

Chief Operating Officer / Chief Financial OfficerTrue Religion Jeans


Forget about Thinking Different, you need to Think Round. This book is a game-changer.”

Kelly Mooney

CEO, Resource/Ammirati; author of The Open Brand

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